February 20: HUNTER S. THOMPSON – Too Exhausted To Live, Too Curious To Die
HUNTER S. THOMPSON: July 18, 1937 – February 20, 2005 When Hunter S. Thompson shot himself ten years ago, I was saddened but not necessarily …
focusing on gratitude in less-than-gratifying times
HUNTER S. THOMPSON: July 18, 1937 – February 20, 2005 When Hunter S. Thompson shot himself ten years ago, I was saddened but not necessarily …
thirtysomething: “Second Look” airs, February 19, 1991 I was just shy of my 21st birthday and a college dropout who couldn’t hold a job but …
TIME PIECE: Nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film on February 16, 1965 It’s Monday, and I’m already completely overwhelmed at work. …
KURT VONNEGUT, JR.: Survived the bombing of Dresden, February 13-15, 1945 “Here we are trapped in the amber of the moment.There is no why.“ Kurt …
HENRY ROLLINS: born 2.13.61 I was driving in my car after a conversation with someone about my inability to handle conflict. Conflict avoidance is my …
BURT REYNOLDS: born February 11, 1936 If this project highlights one thing about me, it’s that I have many influences. I can be obsessive and …
THE WARRIORS: Released February 9, 1979 Recently, my wife and I both experienced similar situations when hanging out with groups of male friends. In both …
CHRISTOPHER GUEST: born February 5, 1948 It is my natural tendency to grow very quiet during arguments. I shut down and listen to what is …
WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS: February 5, 1914 – August 2, 1997 I discovered William S. Burroughs at one of the two times people tend to discover …